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Prof. Chakanetsa Mavhunga: Decolonization in Action Podcast: S1E6: Towards an African Technological & Scientific Imaginary
Feb 17, 2022
In this episode, Edna Bonhomme and Professor Chakanetsa Mavhunga discuss the history of the African continent with relation to scientific, technological, and medical innovations. A center piece of this conversation is the role that philosophical traditions and space have in shaping the epistemology of knowledge. They also examine Africa’s colonial history, the power of historical narrative, African women scientists, and the future of innovation on the African continent. Chakanetsa self-identifies as a critical thinker-doer, who deploys historical research in service of problem-solving. Chakanetsa is a tenured associate professor of science, technology, and society (STS) at MIT and the founder of Research || Design || Build, a village-based institute in rural Zimbabwe dedicated to promoting interdisciplinary problem-solving, innovation, and entrepreneurship among Africa’s rural poor.
LISTEN TO PODCAST: S1E6: Towards an African Technological & Scientific Imaginary