War, Technology, and Experience aboard the USS Monitor

David A. Mindell

In a familiar story, the USS Monitor battled the CSS Virginia (the armored and refitted USS Merrimack) at Hampton Roads in March of 1862. In War, Technology, and Experience aboard the USS Monitor, David A. Mindell adds a new perspective to the story as he explores how mariners―fighting “blindly” below the waterline―lived and coped with the metal monster they called the “iron coffin.”


Anthropology as Cultural Critique: An Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences

Michael MJ Fischer

Using cultural anthropology to analyze debates that reverberate throughout the human sciences, George E. Marcus and Michael M. J. Fischer look closely at cultural anthropology’s past accomplishments, its current predicaments, its future direction, and the insights it has to offer other fields of study. The result is a provocative work that is important for scholars interested in a critical approach to social science, art, literature, and history, as well as anthropology. This second edition considers new challenges to the field which have arisen since the book’s original publication.


Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet

Sherry Turkle

Life on the Screen is a book not about computers, but about people and how computers are causing us to reevaluate our identities in the age of the Internet. We are using life on the screen to engage in new ways of thinking about evolution, relationships, politics, sex, and the self.


Black Apollo of Science: The Life of Ernest Everett Just

Kenneth Manning

This biography illuminates the racial attitudes of an elite group of American scientists and foundation officers. It is the story of a complex and unhappy man. It blends social, institutional, black, and political history with the history of science.


Psychoanalytic Politics: Freud’s French Revolution

Sherry Turkle

Freud prophesied in 1914 that the final decisive battle’ for psychoanalysis would take place where the greatest resistance [had] been displayed.’ Wary of America’s too easy acceptance, he suspected a dilution and distortion of his most vital and therefore most unacceptable doctrines.


Harpers Ferry Armory and New Technology

Merritt Roe Smith

Focusing on the day-to-day operations of the U.S. armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, from 1798 to 1861, this book shows what the “new technology” of mechanized production meant in terms of organization, management, and worker morale. A local study of much more than local significance, it highlights the major problems of technical innovation and social adaptation in antebellum America.