STS Cheat Sheet – Everything You Need to Know!

What is STS?

  • We’re an academic department in the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (SHASS).
  • Our scholars bring methods from the humanities and social sciences to understanding science, technology, and medicine around the world.
  • Learn more about our 16 faculty members and all of their areas of research here.

How do undergraduates engage with STS?


Want to learn more? Click on the links below to hear from an STS major…

What is an STS class like? How did your STS instructor support your learning?

How have STS classes provided a critical look at issues of race, racism and/or inequality?

How have STS classes influenced your approach to and/or view of your major course of study?

How do you think your STS classes will help you have an impact on the world through your profession?

Here are some of our of past minors:


Hillary Diane Andales

Shaida Nishat

AY 2024-2025 Undergraduate Subjects

Title & Info
STS.001 Technology in American History
STS.003 Ancient Greeks to Modern Geeks: A History of Science
STS.004 Intersections: Science, Technology, and the World
STS.006J Bioethics
STS.012 Science Controversies in Everyday Life
STS.014 Embodied Education: Past, Present, Future
STS.021J Science Activism: Gender, Race, and Power
STS.024 Thinking on Your Feet: Dance as a Learning Science (NEW)
STS.039 History of Native Science (NEW)
STS.044 Technology & Self: Things and Thinking
STS.046J The Science of Race, Sex, and Gender
STS.048 African Americans in Science, Technology, and Medicine
STS.049 The Long War Against Cancer
STS.050 The History of MIT
STS.051 Documenting MIT Communities
STS.053 Multidisciplinary Interactive Learning Through Problem-Solving
STS.065J The Anthropology of Sound
STS.074J Art, Craft, Science
STS.075J Technology and Culture
STS.084J Social Problems of Nuclear Energy
STS.085J Foundations of Information Policy
STS.S20 Discards, Technologies, and Everyday Ecologies (NEW)
STS.S21 Social Life of the Brain: Neuroscience & Society (NEW)



For Questions contact:

Undergraduate Officer

Professor Robin Scheffler


Senior Academic Programs Assistant

Stephanie Brandão Carvalho
