A concentration in Science, Technology, and Society (STS) simply consists of any three STS Tier I or Tier II Subjects. A concentration can become a minor by adding three additional subjects (one of which must be STS.004).
A number of STS subjects can also count towards the Computing and Society concentration. Click here for more information about those requirements.
Procedure for proposing and completing a concentration in STS:
Approval of the online concentration proposal form requires an in-person meeting with the STS Concentration Advisor, who is also our Undergraduate Officer. Visit the Office Hours link to find this semester’s office hours or how to set up an appointment.
If you are making changes to your approved proposal form before submitting your completion, please send an email to our Undergraduate Officer about the change (email address is in the box to the left), and submit the change online. If you are submitting a completion form for a concentration proposal that was approved and has no changes, just go ahead and submit your form online.
If you submitted your concentration proposal form on paper before AY2015 and are unsure whether or not you should be completing the concentration with the paper Completion Form instead of online, please contact the Office of the HASS Requirement.
For general information about the MIT Concentration Requirement, visit the Office of the HASS Requirement’s website or contact the HASS Requirement Advisor, Patricia Fernandes in 5-133.