STS.012 Science in Action: Technologies and Controversies in Everyday Life


STS.012 Science in Action: Technologies and Controversies in Everyday Life

Spring 2023: Mondays 2-5pm
3-0-9 units
Instructor: Professor Dwai Banerjee
Enrollment limited to 30; preference given to STS majors, STS minors, STS concentrators, and 4th year students.

Students who did not pre-register for this class will need to add this class using an add/drop form (, rather than including it on their registration form (

The add form can only be submitted *after* the registration form has been submitted (that means both approved by the advisor and then submitted by the student).

Interested students should come to the first day of class on Monday, February 6 at 2pm in E51-063, even if all the registration and add forms are not completed. Reaching out to the instructor ( is welcome, but not necessary! There should be plenty of room in the class for all who are interested.