HASS-A Spring 2018
M/W 1-3
Click here for the online subject listing
STS.035 is a making class in which students work up ideas for imaginative displays at the intersection of art, science and technology. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS), the class will explore the rich and multifaceted history of art and technology at MIT, as we work on our own creation— an exhibit— that will both describe and demonstrate the expressive power of technologies. This seminar/studio will feature artist talks, museum visits and hands-on studio practice at the MIT Museum Studio and Compton Gallery 10-150. We will immerse ourselves in the collaborative methods and pioneering media and genres of CAVS — video, holography, sky art, light art and more — as we study the creative process and create in the form of a public exhibit at the heart of campus.
Professor John Durant (Director, MIT Museum)
Seth Riskin (Manager, MIT Museum Studio and Compton Gallery)
Centerbeam Collaborative artwork of the MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies, Washington, DC 1978. Courtesy of CAVS Archives.