STS.030 Forensic History: Problem Solving into the Past Professor Kate Brown 3-0-9 HASS-S Spring 2021 Course Description How widespread was the bubonic plague? What caused the fall of Rome? Who introduced…
STS.360J/21A.829J Ethnography Fall 2020: Virtual, synchronous class meetings Monday 9am-12pm Units: 3-0-9 STS.360 Ethnography this Fall is cross-listed at Harvard as GH708 Ethnographic Methods for Global Health Research. This joint MIT/Harvard…
STS.S91 Colonial and Postcolonial Disorders is cross-listed at Harvard as ANTH2859. This joint MIT/Harvard course was originally planned to be taught at Harvard. Instead, it will be taught virtually and synchronously…
MIT students: Some of our instructors have opened their Stellar and Canvas sites for the first two weeks of class so that students can see available class materials and join the…
MIT students: Some of our instructors have opened their Stellar and Canvas sites for the first two weeks of class so that students can see available class materials and join the…
STS.417 STS Seminar on the Global South Spring 2021 *Please note the first meeting class will be on February 4, 2021 to align with the Harvard Calendar* Thursdays 6-9pm Units: 3-0-9…
Spring 2020: Tuesdays 3-5pm in E51-061 Undergraduate level: STS.044 (HASS-S) Graduate level: STS.444 Prereq: None 2-0-7 units Instructor: Professor Sherry Turkle Enrollment limited to 15; no listeners** Focuses on the memoir…